Is it Well with My Soul?

This last year has been an interesting one for me. Being a single again has had its blessings and its trials, and these days the most important prayer I send up every night is the one that involves contentment. Don’t get me wrong- I am happier and more social and interactive than ever. I have my family and I have the farm and I have the Church and I have my writing. I could never ask for more.

Seriously. I couldn’t ask for more.

And I don’t know why I should pray for anything extra other than God’s Will for my life. If I cannot be content  with what I have right now, today, than I think I have a problem with contentment, not with today, wouldn’t you agree?

My only question to myself - Is it well with my soul? To question your contentedness is to question your heart- not your surroundings. Only when you have contented clarity of mind can you truly evaluate your situation in life.

People ask me – don’t you pray for a husband? Honestly- no. I don’t. Not at the moment, anyways. I know that not every woman is meant to be married. Singlehood is a state of being, not always a stepping stone. Sometimes there is more, sometimes there isn’t. So why should I spend my days pining away for a blessing not given to everyone? Sure, I hope it comes my way one day, but I try not to make it my goal in life to catch some unsuspecting man. Sure, being a wife is profound blessing and a divine calling, but so is being a daughter, in my opinion.

1 Corinthians 7:34 – “There is a difference also between a wife and a virgin. The unmarried woman careth for the things of the Lord that she may be holy both in body and in spirit: but she that is married careth for the things of the world, how she may please her husband.”

Now I don’t mean to say all this to sound brash or uncaring, nor do I mean to cheapen the amazing witness of marriage, a type of our relationship to Christ. All I am trying to say is that I am learning to be happy where I am. With who I am and what I am doing. To go about my business and let the Lord do His work in His timing.

I believe He has a Will, a plan for my life. Making myself unhappy by skipping forward to the next chapter will only ruin my today. Today is all I have right now. Tomorrow comes inevitably, but I for one am willing to wait contentedly.
              “Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, it is well, it is well with my soul.”


  1. well said miss(sister) bunker

  2. hello - I was looking for a prickly pear jelly recipe and ended up on your blog. love your insights. blessings to you.

  3. "And I don’t know why I should pray for anything extra other than God’s Will for my life...My only question to myself - Is it well with my soul?"

    That's nice. It appears you really care about what God wants. Not many folks do these days it seems. Don't beat yourself up though if ever you're tempted too. We may know what God wants us to do and that's great but sometimes we won't. At least that's what I have found in my life. Maybe there's a way to always know what God wants us to do at any given moment. Maybe it's by living uprightly - doing what we know we should. It's hard though to do that all the time.

  4. Well, you are VERY pretty, so I'm sure you will not be single for long..

  5. Aww, thank you for saying so. :)

  6. Amen, Tracy. A priceless principle that can be applied to every area of our lives. May God's will be done in your life and may you be content therein.

    Mrs. Sifford

  7. Why did your relationship end?

  8. Well, most of the details are personal and that wasn't really what the blog was about, but I will answer the best I can.

    I think that the reasons will never be clear to either of us, but most of it was irreconcilable differences, and I felt we had been drifting apart for awhile before the hammer came down. Something snapped in my head, and there was a lot of church stuff going on as well, so I'm not really sure what happened, to tell you the truth. I think everybody has their piece of the story, based on the way they saw it happen. I think there is a bigger picture to be seen, and I try to stop myself from nitpicking the details, which is what my brain naturally tries to do. I have to stop myself from going over and over that time in my mind, It's not good for me.

    Am I sorry it ended? More than anyone can ever know. But I should not kick against the pricks, and I know the Lord is in control of my path. I think I sound nonchalant sometimes and people think I just shrugged the relationship off, like I don't care. I do. It still hurts sometimes. I think it will for a long time. But God sees my pain, and he knows my prayers, and I am faithful that He will not leave me, even in the valleys.

    Thank you for your question.

  9. So were you "married" or were you in a " courtship" relationship? Is he still in the community u live in or did he leave? Sorry for all the questions, but im trying to understand the situation.

  10. We were betrothed for two years. Betrothal is a like a more serious kind of courtship. In simple terms, we were engaged. He left the day it happened, so no he doesn't live in the community anymore. We aren't on speaking terms.

    I don't mind questions at all, I am just more friendly to non-anonymous ones, because I get a lot of unfriendly and foul-mouthed attacks via anonymous people on this comment board, so much that I have considered disabling comments for this blog. That is something I truly don't want to do. I love hearing what people have to say and answering sincere questions.

    But all of that has nothing to do with you, I just wanted you to know why I may have come across as short before. I don't mean to be rude or disrespectful, I am just overly cautious is all.

    Again, thank you for your questions and for the record I am always open to questions. :)


  11. Tracy,
    You did not come across as rude or disrespectful at all! Its unfortunate that there are people who are so debased that they have nothing better to do than harrass a wonderful young woman such as yourself. Do not let them discourage you, as we know that sin runs it path through these lost souls.

    So, what you reading (other than the scriptures)?

    In HIM,


  12. Well, I was reading Les Miserables, but even with all my big talk I had to give my brain a break. That book is so long and there are so many characters. So, other than going through a book called A Puritan Treasury for my bible studies, I am reading a book called Born Again Dirt by Noah Sanders and then on the side I am re-reading a book called Widow of the South sent to me by a friend some years ago. I really enjoy it, it is set in the Civil War times. I love historical novels, they are a weakness of mine, and my favorites are usually European monarchy stories or fictional or non-fictional books about Napoleon and/or the French Revolution. I recently got done with a biography of Princess Josephine that I immensely enjoyed.



  13. LOL, good take on Les Mis. I have Born Again Dirt on my amazon list to order. If you like historical novels check out: Wings Like a Dove: The Courage of Queen Jeanne D'Albret (Chosen Daughters) by Christine Farenhorst. I'm rereading J.I. Packer's A Quest for Godliness and started TM Lindsay's History of the Reformation. My interests are in in the Reformation, especially the Scottish Reformation. Oh yeah, I have also started WICK ;)...



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